the brit pack - multimedia

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Final Assignment: Create and participate in a negotiation scenario

BRIT Multimedia Certificate IV Branden Barber 7/7/05
CUSGEN04A Participate in Negotiations

Final Assignment: Create and participate in a negotiation scenario

This assignment will fulfil the requirements of the Module, CUSGEN04A Participate in Negotiations, as described in the Training Package description and elements.

It is important in order to pass the course that each element is satisfied:

1. Plan the Negotiation
2. Conduct the Negotiation
3. Finalise the Outcome

(Please see the Module Description for the specifics pertaining to each of these elements to refresh your memory.)

The Final Assignment, in addition to participation in the Harvard Negotiation Module, Parking Space for Super Computer, you are to create a simple negotiation scenario which relates to the multimedia industry. It can be anything from negotiation between an independent contractor and a design agency for services on a time and materials basis, to the negotiation of an agreement between a multimedia agency and a corporate client to provide design and implementation services by a certain date and time for a certain cost.

In each case the negotiation is to be described in terms of the wishes of each party, each party’s BATNA, and you need to show three steps in the negotiation using PRINCIPLED NEGOTIATION steps.

In addition to the above, the proposal must be accompanied by a cover letter with your name, student number and the date at the top, which includes:

> A description of POSITIONAL VS. PRINCIPLED NEGOTIATION, highlighting benefits or weaknesses.

Drawing from both “Getting to Yes” as well as the handout provided early in the course should be more than sufficient for you to satisfy the above.


> Your self-evaluation of your participation and performance in this class

Assignments are due in class by 4pm on the final day of class, Wednesday June 22nd.


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