the brit pack - multimedia

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Final Assignment: A proposal for a Propaganda Campaign in Support of the Multimedia Program at BRIT in the Final Term of this year

BRIT Multimedia Certificate IV Branden Barber 7/7/05
CUSGEN03A Collaborate with colleagues in planning and producing a project

Final Assignment: A proposal for a Propaganda Campaign in Support of the Multimedia Program at BRIT in the Final Term of this year

This assignment will fulfil the requirements of the Module, CUSGEN03A Collaborate with colleagues in planning and producing a project, as described in the Training Package description and elements.

It is important in order to pass the course that each element is satisfied:

1. Cooperate in planning the product and strategy for producing it.
2. Value and respect the skills of others and their contribution to the project.
3. Set up and maintain productive workplace relationships.
4. Use effective strategies for solving problems.

(Please see the Module Description for the specifics pertaining to each of these elements to refresh your memory.)

As decided in our collaborative efforts, we have tasked ourselves with the development and delivery of a proposal that will include:

the overall project concept,

And will include mock-ups of type of presentable deliverables that will be produced as an end product.

Each student must submit their printed, stapled proposal with the full set of mock-ups from the rest of the students.

In addition to the above, the proposal must be accompanied by a cover letter with your name, student number and the date at the top, which includes:

➢ A description of the collaborative process that the class employed in working together on this project
➢ What aspects of collaborating went well for you
➢ What aspects need to be improved, why that is, and how you might improve them
➢ What you provided specifically to the proposal as a collaborator

And finally:

➢ Your self-evaluation of your participation in this exercise as described in the module description
➢ Your self-evaluation of your participation and performance in this class

In order that his project is indeed one of collaboration I would expect that everyone will participate in at least one round of editing – with the document being worked on in turns.

But how you collaborate at this point is up to you. While the process is important, we have had enough experience in the class and, using the module description as our guidelines, we know how to work together. It is how well we do this now that will dictate the quality of the final product. Assignments are due in class by 12pm on the final day of class, Wednesday June 22nd.


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